Surgical Retina
Vitreoretinal Interface And Macular Hole
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Get accessInternational Vitreomacular Traction Study classification (OCT-dependent)
Vitreomacular adhesion: adhesion to central macula only
Vitreomacular traction: adhesion plus OCT changes (eg. cystoid, loss of contour), but no full thickness defect
Macular hole:
- Small: ≤250 microns
- Medium: >250-≤400 microns
- Large: >400 microns
Gass’s classification (clinical)
Gass's classification preceded the era of OCT imaging
Stage 1a (impending): absent foveal reflex, yellow spot at foveola
Stage 1b (occult): yellow ring, reduced vision, metamorphopsia
Equivalent to IVTS classification of vitreomacular adhesion
- 60% spontaneous vitreo-foveolar detachment with no further progression
Stage 2 (early): enlargement of yellow ring, <400 microns, full-thickness defect
Stage 3 (developed): >400 micron hole with surrounding rim of SRF, yellow deposits
Stage 4: >400 micron hole associated with PVD
Macular hole
1 in 10,000 per year
Mean age of 65
Typically idiopathic/primary
- 15.6% risk of MH in fellow eye if no PVD present (<1% if PVD)
Secondary: high myopia, trauma, solar retinopathy
Diagnostic tests
- Watzke-allen test
- Laser beam aiming test
Observation: high rate of spontaneous resolution in stage 1 cases
- Ocriplasmin is approved by NICE for adults with stage 2 hole but no ERM
Vitrectomy, ILM peel and gas tamponade is the treatment of choice
- Better preoperative vision predicts high rate of anatomical closure and visual improvement
- Shorter duration of symptoms associated with better rates of closure and visual improvement
- RCT evidence (see Cochrane review) for face-down posturing for 5 days in cases >400 microns
Autologous platelets have shown increased rate of anatomical closure but no difference in final VA
Prognostic factors for macular holes
- Baseline visual acuity
- Preoperative maximum linear diameter
- Preoperative basal diameter (horizontal size at level of RPE)
- Duration of symptoms (prognosis declines after 6 months)
Traumatic macular hole
- Unclear pathogenesis
- Occurs hours to weeks after injury
- Typically after ocular contusion
- Higher spontaneous closure rates (50%) compared to idiopathic holes so can typically be observed for around 4 months
- Vitrectomy, ILM peel and gas tamponade is effective