Tumours, masses and neoplasia
Most common primary orbital malignancy in childhood
- Third most common solid extracranial tumour of childhood (after Wilm’s tumour and neuroblastoma)
Relatively good prognosis
Can affect the orbit, eyelids, conjunctiva and rarely the uveal tract
Originates from primitive pluripotent mesenchymal cells
Generally well circumscribed with occasional areas of haemorrhage
Usually intraconal or within superior orbit
Histological types
Embryonal (84%): good prognosis
- Cellular and myxoid areas, central nucleus and highly eosinophilic cytoplasm
Alveolar (9%): worst prognosis
- Loosely adherent eosinophilic rhabdomyoblasts
Pleomorphic (very rare, typically occurs in adults)
- Best prognosis
Botyroid (4%)
Immunohistochemical stains
- Desmin
- Muscle-specific actin
- Myoglobin
Clinical features
- Presents as non-axial proptosis which can be rapid onset, chemosis, eyelid discolouration, ophthalmoplegia. Only 10% experience pain
- CT/MRI: well-defined mass with bony destruction
- Biopsy
- Systemic workup
- Surgical excision: only if small and encapsulated lesion
- Combined radio/chemotherapy: mainstay