AC to Lens
Ciliary Body
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Get access- Circular structure
- 6mm wide
- Numerous functions
- Accommodation
- Production of aqueous
- Production of zonules
Production of extracellular vitreous components: collagen and hyaluronic acid (main GAG in vitreous)
- Age related changes:
Atrophy of the CB affects the longitudinal and reticular muscle fibres, less so the circular fibres
- Migrates anteriorly
- Derived from a combination of neuroectoderm and mesenchyme
Neuroectoderm bilayer forms the ciliary epithelium which also has two layers and is continuous with the neural retina and RPE (also formed from neuroectoderm)
- Mesenchyme provides the stroma and ciliary muscle
- Develops at 11-12 weeks
- 1. Outer pigmented layer of neuroectoderm is invaded by capillaries
- The vessels enlarge and push towards inner non-pigmented layer creating folds (future ciliary processes)
- 3. Folds become more numerous and complex
- 4. Flat area forms posteriorly (pars plana)
- 5. Aqueous production commences at 20 weeks (earliest)
- Scleral spur and CB muscle fibres are not fully developed at term.
Macroscopic structure
- Scleral spur anteriorly
- Pars plicata is 2mm wide, sits anteriorly. Comprises about 70 ciliary processes
- Pars plana is 4mm wide, sits posteriorly
- Ora serrata further posteriorly (contains non-pigmented ciliary epithelium)
- Wider temporally than nasally
- Bilayer
- Two layers of cells lie apex to apex, hence:
Inner basal lamina facing the posterior chamber: continuous with the ILM of the neural retina
- Outer basal lamina against the stroma/muscle: continuous with Bruch’s membrane
- The inner non-pigmented layer is rich in Golgi and mitochondria and secretes aqueous.
- Contains carbonic anhydrase
- Contributes to production of zonules and vitreous components
- Tight junctions between the non-pigmented epithelial cells form a blood-aqueous barrier
- The main protein present in tight junctions is occludin
The outer pigmented layer is rich in melanocytes. Permeable zonula adherens and macula adherens connect cells
- The pigmented epithelial cells are therefore more leaky
- Continuous with the RPE
Aqueous production
Relatively constant rate of 1-3 microlitres per minute (the entire volume is replaced every 1-2 hours)
- Produced by the non-pigmented ciliary epithelium
- Produced by a combination of:
- Passive diffusion of electrolytes down a concentration gradient
Ultrafiltration of plasma dependent on BP, IOP and blood osmotic pressure across the leaky fenestrated capillaries in the ciliary body
Active transport across the epithelial plasma membrane including carbonic anhydrase II and Na/K ATPase activity
Note: the oncotic pressure of the ciliary stroma is greater than the hydrostatic pressure across the epithelium so active transport is the main mechanism of production.
- Also under adrenergic control (see below)
The composition of aqueous
- Electrolytes and low molecular weight compounds
- Slightly higher chloride than plasma
- Similar potassium as plasma
Slightly lower sodium, bicarbonate and glucose than plasma (glucose levels increase in diabetes with consequences for the lens)
- Much lower calcium than plasma
- Lactate is the most abundant anion and at higher levels than plasma
- Slightly lower levels of urea: passes quite readily across membranes
- Oxygen: from the blood supply of the CB and iris (oxygen cannot pass through the cornea)
- Supplies the corneal endothelium, TM endothelium and lens
- Steroid sex hormones
- Ascorbic acid:
Unique constituent, much higher levels than plasma. Possibly has a role as an antioxidant
Glutathione is also present in aqueous and acts as a stabiliser of ascorbate as well as for enzymatic processes involved in cellular detoxification ie. protection of tissue from oxidative stress
- Lysozyme: provides antibacterial protection
- Carbonic anhydrase
- Plasminogen and plasminogen activator
- Hyaluronidase: may help regulate flow through the TM
- Cytokines and growth factors including VEGF
Growth factors may regulate the endothelium and epithelium of the cornea, hence the hyperplastic changes in these tissues in chronic inflammatory conditions
Insulin-like growth factor and its binding protein are elevated in patients with diabetes
VEGF-A is induced by hypoxia and is a potent regulator of angiogenesis and vascular permeability. It is increased in patients with active neovascularisation in PDR and CRVO
- Higher molecular weight compounds may be added in the AC
Very low protein content (allows optical clarity): mainly albumin but some immunoglobulin and fibronectin, due to exclusion by the blood-aqueous barrier
Some proteins do enter, possibly through the iris root but others may have been synthesised directly into the aqueous by the CB
- Complement C4
Alpha2-macroglobulin: a carrier protein and proteinase inhibitor present in aqueous. Imbalance between these may lead to disease eg. glaucoma
- Hyaluronic acid
- AC volume: 0.2ml
- PC volume: 0.06ml
- pH: 7.5-7.6
- The ciliary muscle comprises the anterior two-thirds of the CB
It is smooth muscle comprising three groups of fibres in the vascular connective tissue stroma
Outer longitudinal fibres (aka Brucke’s muscle) are continuous with the choroid (hence this also moves with accommodation) and attach to the sclera spur
- Middle oblique/radial fibres attach to scleral spur
- Continuous with the corneoscleral trabeculae
- Inner circular fibres: these are the most anterior (aka Muller’s muscle)
Contraction produces an inwards and forwards movement of the CB which slackens the zonules and allows the lens to adopt a spherical shape, thus increasing its refractive index.
Blood supply
Long posterior ciliary arteries travel anteriorly in the choroid and then divide in the CB
- They anastomose with the anterior ciliary arteries forming the major circle of the iris
- Venous drainage via vortex veins
Nerve supply
Parasympathetic supply: preganglionic fibres originate in the Edinger-Westphal nucleus and travel in the oculomotor nerve. They synapse in the ciliary ganglion and postganglionic fibres travel in the short ciliary nerves to produce a plexus in the CB
- Sympathetic innervation via the sympathetic chain and superior cervical ganglion