Seventh Nerve Palsies
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Anatomy nuggets
Nuclei in the lower pons below the level of the fourth ventricle
- Motor nucleus
- Parasympathetic superior salivatory and lacrimal nucleus
- Sensory nucleus (tractus solitarius)
Motor neurones pass over the cerebellopontine angle into the internal auditory canal
- Traverse the petrous temporal bone
- Exit behind the stylomastoid process through the stylomastoid foreman
- Terminate in temporal (supplying frontalis and orbital orbicularis oculi), zygomatic (supplying pretarsal orbicularis), buccal, mandibular and cervical branches
Chorda tympani: salivary glands and anterior two-thirds of tongue
Greater superficial petrosal nerve: lacrimal gland
Bell’s palsy (idiopathic): diagnosis of exclusion
- M=F, average age of 40
- Associated with diabetes and pregnancy
- Typically starts to recover spontaneously by 3 weeks
- Oral prednisolone within 72 hours of onset increased recovery rate
- Antivirals made no difference to recovery
- Long-term surgical options: nerve repair/substitution, muscle transposition
Ramsay-Hunt syndrome (VZV)
Cerebellopontine angle lesions
Neurofibroma (NF-2)
Parotid gland pathology
Congenital eg. Moebius’ syndrome
Guillain-Barre syndrome
Lyme disease
Clinical features
Facial weakness/asymmetry
Lower lid ectropion
Corneal exposure
Isolated vs complex:
- Check corneal sensation, tear film (lacrimal), lid closure
- Associated CN palsy: Vn cerebellopontine angle; VIn pons; VIIIn cerebellopontine angle
Upper vs lower motor neurone
Aberrant regeneration
Synkinesis develops between salivation and lacrimation fibres
- Tearing when eating (Crocodile tears)
Synkinesis between orbicularis oculi and oris fibres
- Eyelid closure on eating (reverse Marcus Gunn jaw winking)
- ENT or neurological referral for all new-onset facial nerve palsies
- Neuroimaging if recurrent
Ocular management
- Regular lubricants
- Lid taping
- Tarsorrhaphy
- Gold weight insertion