Orbit and ocular adnexae
Lid Malpositions
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- Involutional (due to increasing lid laxity)
- Cicatricial: often in associated with periocular skin disease or scarring
- Spastic
- Congenital (eg. epiblepharon)
Involutional entropion
Contributing factors
- Lower lid laxity
- Over-riding of the preseptal orbicularis over the pretarsal orbicularis
- Dehiscence of the lower lid retractors: these consist of capsulopalpebral fascia and the inferior tarsus muscle (analogous to Muller’s in the upper lid)
- Orbital fat atrophy
Management of involutional entropion
- Non-invasive measures: skin taping
- Everting sutures: may provide long-term correction and can be repeated
- Horizontal lid tightening: eg. with lateral tarsal strip
- Lower lid retractor reinsertion
- Combination of the above
Management of cicatricial entropion
- Medical control of associated disease eg. dermatitis
- Surgery must be approached cautiously in cases associated with cicatricial conjunctivitis eg. OCP
- Posterior lamellar lengthening eg. with tarsal fracture
- Release of scar tissue
Bilateral horizontal fold of skin running parallel to lower lid margin
Associated with dehiscence of the lower lid retractors and override of the pre-tarsal orbicularis by the pre-septal orbicularis
May cause pseudotrichaisis and corneal irritation
Improves with age
Surgery indicated for symptomatic corneal irritation
- Skin and orbicularis excision
- Involutional: eg. age-related lid laxity
- Cicatricial: eg. anterior lamellar shortening from scarring (including previous surgery such as excision of a skin lesion, or traumatic), SJS, periorbital dermatitis or ichythosis
- Paralytic: facial palsy
- Epiphora
- Periocular skin irritation
- Discomfort
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Clinical tests in ectropion
- Lid distraction: normally the lower lid will not move more than 6mm from the globe
- Snap-back test: pull lid inferiorly and then release. It should spring back to the globe without the need to blink
- Medial canthal tendon laxity: lateral traction on the lid and observe how far the punctum can be pulled over. If it can be moved beyond the limbus, this implies medial canthal tendon laxity
- Observation
- Topical lubricants
- Topical treatments to skin eg. in cicatricial ectropion secondary to dermatitis
Surgical: depends on aetiology
- Involutional: horizontal lid tightening
- Lateral tarsal strip
- Kuhnt-Szymanowski procedure: wedge excision combined with a blepharoplasty
- Primarily medial ectropion can be managed with a diamond conjunctivoplasty (Medial spindle) or Lazy-T procedure
- Cicatricial: anterior lamellar lengthening
- eg. Skin grafts/flaps
- Paralytic: similar horizontal tightening procedures, but may also require management of exposure
- Medical canthoplasty
- Wedge resections