Tumours, masses and neoplasia
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Get accessLymphomas of the orbit and adnexa (OAL)
Most ocular lymphomas are non-Hodgkins type therefore are B cell lymphomas (Typically low-grade)
Incidence of systemic disease
Conjunctiva: 20%
- “Salmon-patch” appearance of conjunctiva
- Multiple small cells with pleomorphism seen on histology
Orbit: 35%
- Lacrimal gland: 40%
- Eyelid: 67%
Benign lymphoid hyperplasia
- 20-25% will become lymphoma within 5 years. 6-monthly follow-ups are therefore recommended
- Often involves lacrimal gland: non-axial proptosis, ptosis, palpable mass
- Mature T cells
Atypical lymphoid hyperplasia: middle-ground between benign and malignant lymphoma
- Borderline cellular maturity, larger nuclei
Malignant lymphoma
Immature malignant B cells
Extranodal marginal zone lymphoma (EMZL): most common ocular lymphoma. Low grade B-cell lymphoma derived from MALT
- Typically arises from lacrimal gland: responds well to radiotherapy and R-CHOP
Follicular lymphoma
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: aggressive
CT-scan: lesions will mold to orbital structures rather than erode them
- Otherwise they all look the same on CT, so biopsy required
Biopsy: fresh tissue and formalin fixed for H&E staining
Radiotherapy is the mainstay of treatment (cp. PIL)
Primary intraocular lymphoma (PIL)
Most common type of lymphoma affecting the eye
May mimic conditions like uveitis (masquerade)
The immunohistochemical stain CD20 can be used to detect lymphocytes and suggest lymphoma
Risk factors: immunosuppression
Vitreoretinal: commonest type of intraocular lymphoma
- 90% bilateral, 85% coexistent intracranial disease
- Associated with CD4 counts <30 in HIV patients and with EBV infections
- Presents as uveitis masquerade syndrome: ‘vitritis’, yellow sub-RPE plaques (‘leopard spotting’)
- Steroids may be helpful at first but course is then refractory
- CNS features: SOL features, meningeal, dementia, stroke-like episodes
- Requires diagnostic vitrectomy as well as MRI, LP etc.
- Main treatment is radiotherapy and chemotherapy
Uveal: choroidal, ciliary, iridal
- Uveal lymphoma is much more likely to be secondary than primary
- Commonest types spreading to the eye are
- Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
- Multiple myeloma
- Waldenstrom's macroglobulinaemia
- Diffuse yellowish, choroidal thickening, may mimic melanoma, scleritis, multifocal choroiditis
Hodgkin’s: characterised by the Reed-Sternberg cell (abnormal B cell). 20% of lymphomas
Non-Hodgkin’s: all other lymphomas
- Mostly B-cell type which include follicular, Burkitt’s, MALToma, mantle cell and Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia
- T cell type: includes cutaneous lymphoma and others
Typically high-grade (cp. OAL)
Cytological assessment of lymphoma cells via vitreous, retinal or sub-retinal biopsy is gold standard for diagnosis
- Usually via diagnostic vitrectomy
- Cytokine analysis: B-cell malignancies secrete high levels of IL-10. Therefore high IL-10:IL-6 ratios (>1.0) are suggestive of primary intraocular lymphoma
- Monoclonal IgH gene rearrangement on PCR is suggestive
- High frequency of myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88 mutations (can be detected via PCR)
- Kappa:lambda light-chain ratio of >3 or <0.6 suggests monoclonality
Chemotherapy is the mainstay of treatment (cp. OAL)