Medical Retina
Diabetic Eye Disease
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Get accessMicroscopically, the primary pathology is loss of pericytes and basement membrane thickening.
Ocular manifestations of diabetes
Anterior segment
- Reduced corneal sensation
- Reduced corneal healing (neurotrophic ulcers)
- Poor dilation
- Argyll robertson pupils
Glaucoma: increased risk of POAG and neovascular glaucoma
Posterior segment
- Diabetic retinopathy
- Retinal vascular occlusions
- Cranial nerve palsies
- Ischaemic optic neuropathy
- Xanthelasma
- Orbital muccormycosis
- 25% of type 1 diabetics and 16% of type 2 diabetics develop proliferative disease within 15 years of diagnosis
Risk factors for diabetic eye disease (RCOphth guidelines based)
- Gender (male)
- Duration of diabetes
- Genetic factors
- BP
- Smoking
- Glycaemic control
- Pregnancy
- Renal impairment
- Lipid levels
- Carotid artery disease
Clinical features by severity
Causes of visual loss
- Diabetic macular oedema
- Ischaemic maculopathy
- Sequelae of neovascularisation: vitreous haemorrhage, traction, RD
Mild non-proliferative (NPDR)
- Microaneurysms: a saccular or fusiform swelling of a capillary
- Dot haemorrhages: it is generally not possible to differentiate these from MAs.
- Haemorrhages in superficial retinal layers
Moderate non-proliferative (NPDR)
Microaneurysms, plus
Haemorrhages (dot or blot):
- Blot haemorrhages develops where a capillary cluster has occluded (representing a deep retinal infarct) and are present in the outer plexiform layer (therefore do not mask overlying retinal circulation)
Hard exudates
Cotton wool spots: representing axonal swelling
Venous beading: veins running through areas of capillary closure
Venous loops and reduplication: rare
Arteriolar narrowing
Intraretinal microvascular abnormalities
- Occlusion of a capillary-venule bed leads to dilation of the capillary remnants
- Seen as spiky tortuous microvascular abnormalities in areas of capillary occlusion
Severe non-proliferative (NPDR)
- 4-2-1 rule
- At least one of the following
- At least 20 blot haemorrhages in all 4 retinal quadrants
- Venous beading in at least 2 quadrants
- Prominent IRMA in at least 1 quadrant
Very severe non-proliferative (NPDR)
- 2 or more of the above features
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy
New vessels usually arise from veins and always loop back on themselves (normal small vessels taper to an end)
- New vessels at disc or within 1 disc diameter of disc (NVD) or elsewhere (NVE)
High risk (based on Diabetic Retinopathy Study)
- NVD with vitreous haemorrhage
- NVD of ⅓ disc area or more
- NVE of ½ disc area or more with vitreous haemorrhage
Other features
- Tractional RD
- Neovascular glaucoma
Clinically significant macular oedema (from ETDRS study)
Retinal thickening within 500 microns of the centre of the macula
Exudates within 500 microns of the centre of the macula AND associated adjacent retinal thickening
Retinal thickening >1500 microns, any part within 1DD of the centre of the macula.
Poor prognosis
- Significant macular ischaemia
- Foveal exudation
- Diffuse oedema
- Cystoid oedema
- Uncontrolled HTN
- Poor BM control
- Renal disease
- Smoking
Alternatively, Proposed International Clinical Diabetic Macular Oedema Severity Scale (2003)
- Mild: thickening/exudates distant from posterior pole
- Moderale: thickening/exudates near centre of macula
- Severe: thickening/exudates involving centre of macula
- Optic disc swelling: diabetic papillopathy (rare)
- New vessels at the iris: represents advanced ischaemia (and perhaps associated carotid disease)
- New vessels on anterior hyaloid surface
- Subretinal fibrosis
- Spontaneous regression of new vessels (auto-infarction): causes reduction in size and gliosis
- Macular ischaemia: central (enlarged FAZ) vs peripheral
Advanced retinopathy
- (from Diabetic Retinopathy Vitrectomy Study)
- High-risk PDR with tractional RD involving macular or vitreous haemorrhage
- Fundus photography
- FFA: petalloid leakage from DMO and enlarged FAZ in ischaemic maculopathy
- Only FFA can map areas of capillary non-perfusion
Depends on stage.
Mild-Moderate NPDR
- Observation (if no macular oedema)
- Management of systemic risk factors: glycaemic control, blood pressure, lipidaemia
Severe (or Very Severe) NPDR
- Increased frequency of monitoring
- Consider FFA if uncertainty about presence of new vessels
- Scatter laser treatment as proliferative stage approaches (Very Severe NPDR had approximately 50% risk of progression to High-Risk PDR within 1 year in ETDRS)
- Consider PRP, especially if:
- Older patients with type 2 diabetes
- Poor retinal view
- Cataract surgery needed soon
- Only eye due to fellow eye advanced DR
- Likely poor clinic attendance
- Difficult examination of other reasons (eg. poor mobility etc)
- Perhaps prior to pregnancy?
Proliferative DR
PRP: within 2 week of diagnosis of high-risk PDR
- Full treatment means all four quadrants of pre- and post-equatorial retina upto major vascular arcades
- DRS showed PRP reduced risk of severe visual loss by more than 50% at 2-5 years in high-risk PDR
- Discontinue when/if:
- NV regression evident (reduced size, gliosis)
- NV stabilise
Baseline FFA is ideal but should not delay PRP
Advanced retinopathy (as per DRVS)
- Early vitrectomy for type 1 diabetics
Complications of PRP
- Iris burns
- Macular burns
- Retinal tears
- Vitreous haemorrhage
- Loss of VA
- Visual field defects: may have implications for driving
- Tractional RD: due to contraction of fibrovascular tissue
- Reduced mydriasis
ETDRS showed approximately 50% reduction in risk of moderate visual loss at 3 years with focal/grid laser in patients with CSMO. However this treatment is largely superceded by anti-VEGF.
- Aflibercept and ranibizumab are licenced for use in DMO patients
- NICE guideline:
- Commence treatment if central macular thickness at least 400microns
- Eylea: monthly injections for 5 months then reduce to 2-monthly for the first 12 months (VISTA and VIVID studies)
- Lucentis: monthly injections until maximal VA achieved and stable for 3 months (RISE, RIDE and RESTORE studies)
Steroid implants
Dexamethasone (Ozurdex)
NICE guideline:
- Only in pseudophakic eyes
- Only for DMO that has not responded to (or cannot tolerate) non-steroid treatments
- Implant remains in vitreous for approx 270 days before dissolving
Risk of cataract and glaucoma
PPV for diabetics
- Indications
Non-clearing vitreous hemorrhage
- Within 3 months for type 2 diabetics
- Within 1 month for type 1 diabetics
Tractional RD involving or threatening the macula (eg. small peripheral ones can be observed)
Diffuse macular oedema associated with posterior hyaloid traction
Combined tractional and rhegmatogenous RD
Recurrent vitreous hemorrhage despite maximal PRP
Hot Topic
Management of diabetic eye disease in pregnancy is a hot topic in exams!
Diabetics require assessments before and during pregnancy
Discontinue statins and RAAS blocking drugs before conception
Optimisation of glycaemic control should be deferred until after first retinal assessment
Retinal assessment
- Fundus imaging after first antenatal clinic (usually around 8-12 weeks)
- If DR present, repeat assessment at 16-20 weeks
- Repeat assessment at 28 weeks
Retinopathy is not a contraindication to vaginal delivery
If NPDR diagnosed during pregnancy, the patient needs follow up for 6 months post-delivery
Tropicamide should not be used for mydriasis during pregnancy
Gestational diabetes does not increase risk of retinopathy and does not require monitoring
UK Diabetic Eye Screening Programme retinopathy grading
R0: no diabetic retinopathy/normal fundus (non-referable)
R1: mild, background: haemorrhages and macroaneurysms (non-referable)
R2: moderate, pre-proliferative: venous beading, venous reduplication/loops, multiple blot haemorrhages, IRMA
R3: proliferative
- R3a: active. Newly presenting proliferative retinopathy or new features
- R3s: stable. Evidence of peripheral retinal laser, or stable
M0: no maculopathy
- Exudate within 1 disc diameter of centre of fovea
- Circinate or group of exudates within macula
Referable disease is R2 or above, or M1.
- Patients with R3 should be seen within 2 weeks
- Others should be seen within 13 weeks
Summary of main trials
Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy
- RCT ofnon-proliferativediabetic retinopathy eyes
- Focal laser reduced the risk of moderate visual loss at 3 years in CSMO
- Aspirin did not affect the progression of retinopathy
- Scatter PRP could be deferred in mild-moderate NPDR but considered in severe NPDR
Diabetic Retinopathy Study
- An RCT ofproliferativeretinopathy eyes
- PRP reduced the risk of severe visual loss by more than 50% at 2 years in high-risk PDR patients
- Defined PRP technique
Diabetic Retinopathy Vitrectomy Study
- In type 1 patients with non-clearing vitreous haemorrhage, early vitrectomy was beneficial
Diabetic Control and Complications Trial
- Tight glycaemic control reduced the risk of progression of retinopathy (by 76% if no preexisting disease)
- But tight control can lead to initial worsening of retinopathy after prolonged hyperglycaemia
UK Prospective Diabetes Study
- RCT of type 2 diabetics
- Intensive glycaemic and blood pressure control independently reduced the risk of complications: retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy.
Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research Network Protocols
- Protocol I
- Ranibizumab with prompt or deferred focal/grid laser achieved superior VA and OCT outcomes compared to laser alone for central DMO
- Protocol T
- No significant difference found between aflibercept, ranibizumab and bevacizumab
- In subgroups with worse initial vision or thicker maculas, aflibercept performed better initially (1 year) but at 2 years was equal to ranibizumab