Alphabet patterns
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Get accessSignificant incomitance in horizontal deviation depending on vertical position
- Imbalance in tertiary abducting action of the obliques
- Abnormalities in the EOM pulleys
- Abnormal supranuclear circuits
- Greater adducting force from vertical recti in their fields of action
V pattern
More divergence in upgaze compared to downgaze
- Considered present when the difference is**>15PD**
V pattern esotropia
- Inferior oblique overaction(most common) or superior oblique palsy
- IV nerve palsy(including bilateral and traumatic cases)
- Brown syndrome
- Superior rectus underaction
- Craniofacial anomalies
- Chin down posture
- Inferior oblique overaction(most common) or superior oblique palsy
V pattern exotropia
- Inferior oblique overaction
- Chin up posture
- Surgical weakening of the inferior oblique or vertical translation of the horizontal recti can be considered
- Bilateral inferior oblique myectomies causes 15-20 PD of esodeviation in upgaze (to correct V patterns)
A pattern
More convergent in upgaze than downgaze
- Considered present when difference is**>10PD**
A pattern esotropia
- Superior oblique overaction
- Chin up posture
A pattern exotropia
- Superior oblique overaction
- Chin down posture
Inferior oblique palsy: most commonly seen after trauma or with myasthenia
- Surgical weakening of the superior oblique or again vertical translation of the horizontal recti
- Bilateral superior oblique tenotomies cause approximately 40 prism dioptres of esodeviation in downgaze (to correct A patterns)