Orbit and ocular adnexae
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Get accessThe 7 bones of the orbit:
- Frontal
- Zygoma
- Maxillary
- Sphenoid
- Ethmoid
- Palatine
- Lacrimal
- Volume: 30ml
- There are no lymphatic vessels or nodes in the orbit
- Medial periocular tissues: drain to submandibular lymph nodes
- Lateral periocular tissues: drain to superficial preauricular nodes
Clinical Correlate
- Pear-shaped
- Supraorbital margin formed by frontal bone
Supraorbital ridge only extends over the medial ½ to ⅔ of the superior orbital rim
- Infraorbital margin formed by zygomatic and maxilla
- Lateral margin formed by frontal and zygomatic
Medial margin formed by maxillary process of frontal and lacrimal crest of the frontal process of maxilla
- Roof: frontal and lesser wing of sphenoid
- Floor: zygomatic, maxilla, palatine
- Lateral wall (thickest): zygomatic, greater wing of sphenoid
- Medial wall: frontal process of maxilla, lacrimal, ethmoid, body of sphenoid
- The lamina papyracea of the ethmoid bone is the weakest part of the orbit
- Nasal cavity, ethmoid air cells and sphenoid sinus medially
- Frontal air sinus, meninges and frontal lobe superiorly
- Maxillary air sinus inferiorly
- Temporalis muscle, middle cranial fossa and temporal lobe laterally
Optic canal
- Optic canal within the lesser wing of the sphenoid only
- 4-10mm long
- Connects to middle cranial fossa
- Contains optic nerve and ophthalmic artery (with surrounding sympathetic plexus)
Superior orbital fissure
- Superior orbital fissure lies between the greater and lesser wings of sphenoid
- Also connects to middle cranial fossa
Common tendinous ring (formed by thickening of periorbita) overlies the medial end of the superior orbital fissure, attached to
- Lesser wing of sphenoid
- Greater wing of sphenoid
- Orbital plate of ethmoid
SOF outside ring: lacrimal, frontal and trochlear nerves and superior ophthalmic vein. Inferior ophthalmic vein passes below ring (also outside)
Clinical Correlate
- SOF within ring: both branches of oculomotor nerve, nasociliary and abducens nerves
Refresher note: the nasociliary, frontal and lacrimal nerves are the three branches of the first (ophthalmic) division of the trigeminal nerve
Inferior orbital fissure
- Inferior orbital fissure lies between greater wing of sphenoid and maxilla
- Connects to
- Pterygopalatine fossa
- Infratemporal fossa
- Contains
- Maxillary nerve which becomes infraorbital nerve on entering the orbit
- Zygomatic nerve (also a branch of V2)
- Inferior ophthalmic vein draining to pterygoid plexus
- Infraorbital artery and vein
- Branches of the pterygopalatine ganglion
- Covered by vestigial muscle of Muller (function unknown)
Ethmoidal foramina
- Found where the roof joins the medial wall
- Anterior ethmoid foramen at the junction of the frontal and ethmoid bones
- Connects to anterior cranial fossa
- Contains the anterior ethmoidal nerve and artery
- Posterior foramina
- Contains the posterior ethmoidal nerve and artery supplying ethmoidal sinuses
Lateral tubercle of Whitnall
- Insertions of:
- Check ligament of eyeball
- Suspensory ligament of eyeball
- Lateral canthal tendon
- Aponeurosis of levator
Suspensory ligament (of Lockwood)
- Thickening of the inferior part of the fascial sheath of the eyeball (Tenon’s)
- Receives fascial contributions from the inferior rectus and oblique muscles
- Attached medially to the lacrimal bone
- Attached laterally to the zygomatic bone (at the tubercle of Whitnall)
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