Anterior segment - ocular surface
Ocular Cicatricial Pemphigoid
- Autoantibodies directed against bullous pemphigoid antigen II (BP180) in the basement membrane zone
Clinical features
Generally bilateral
Inferior forniceal depth of less than 8mm
Early findings
- Acute papillary conjunctivitis
- Medial canthal keratinization
- Trichiasis
Late stage: secondary corneal scarring
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Causes of symblepharon
- Trachoma
- Chemical injury
- Stevens-Johnsons syndrome/Toxic epidermal necrolysis
- Subepithelial bullae and a mix of chronic inflammatory cells, sometimes a predominance of plasma cells which stain CD138
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Conjunctival biopsy is required for definitive diagnosis but must be cautiously performed as even minor surgery can trigger deterioration in the disease
- Optimisation of the ocular surface: lid management, lubricants
- Dapsone
- Steroids for the acute phase: topical and systemic
- Further immunosuppression
- Cautious lid procedures to manage complications such as trichiasis