Surgical Retina
Epiretinal Membrane
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Get access- A common acquired macular disease
- A fibro-cellular layer develops over the macula
- PVD leads to vitreomacular traction and disruption of the ILM. This allows cellular migration and proliferation
- Contraction of the ERM can leads to macular pucker
- Can lead to reduced vision/distortion
- Idiopathic: age-related
- Secondary
- Vascular: diabetic retinopathy, CRVO
- Inflammatory: posterior uveitis
- Traumatic
- Iatrogenic: retinal surgery, laser, cryotherapy
Depends on degree of symptoms and patient requirements
Supporting surgery (vitrectomy and ILM peeling)
- Visual loss <6 months
- VA < 20/60
- No CMO
50-75% will have improved vision post-operatively although it rarely returns to pre-existing levels
- ERM recurrence
- Cataract
- Retinal breaks/RD
- Vitreous haemorrhage
- Endophthalmitis