Pseudoexfoliation syndrome
Common cause of secondary glaucoma: 25% of PXF patients develop glaucoma
More severe and resistant course than POAG
Systemic condition
Whitish dandruff-like material is deposited on
- Eyes
- Skin
- Heart
- Lungs
- Kidneys
- Meninges
Abnormal elastic microfibrils, basement membrane material, glycosaminoglycans
Possibly associated with raised homocysteine
20% of population in Scandinavia
Linked to LOXL1 gene on chromosome 15
Risk factors
- Age >40
- Female
- Ethnicity: north european/northern latitudes, mediterranean
- Higher altitudes
Clinical features
Dandruff-material on
- Pupillary border
- Lens capsule
- Stains with Masson Trichrome
Peripupillary transillumination defects (cp. Pigment dispersion)
Poor mydriasis
Phacodonesis: with risk of zonulodialysis during cataract surgery
Pigment in the AC
Pigment and pseudoexfoliative material on corneal endothelium
Irregular pigment and PXF material deposition in the trabeculum and anterior to Schwalbe’s line (Sampaolesi’s line) on gonioscopy (also seen in PDS, trauma, poorly controlled diabetes and iris melanoma)
- Open but narrow angle
- Open angle: PXF deposition in TM
- Tends to present unilaterally with progression to both eyes in 40%
- Narrow angle (rare): weak zonules causing anterior lens-iris movement
- PXF glaucoma tends to be more volatile with faster progression compared to POAG
- As for POAG
- More likely to need laser and surgery
Hot Topic
The approach to cataract surgery in a patient with pseudoexfoliation is a hot topic in exams!
- Anaesthetic considerations
- Preassessment for phacodonesis
- Dilation is often poor: intracameral phenylephrine, visco-dilation
- Vision blue
- Phaco-chop to reduce stress on zonules
- Capsular tension ring if less than 4 clock hours of zonulysis
- Cortical removal with circumferential movements rather than radial traction