Congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction
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Get accessUsually due to persistent membrane at the valve of Hasner
Clinical features
- Systemically well
- Inflamed/excoriated periorbital skin
- White eye
- Thickened tear meniscus (2mm or more)
- Crusting of lashes
- May be complicated by mucoceole or conjunctivitis
- Positive fluorescein dye disappearance test
- Over 90% will resolve spontaneously within 1 year
- Conservative measures: Crigler massage, topical antibiotics only for complicating conjunctivitis
- Syringing and probing: if persists beyond 1 year
- +/- silicone stenting if probing fails: these remain in situ for 6 months and some residual tearing may continue
- Dacryocystorhinostomy: if above fails