Retinal vasculitis
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Get access- Inflammation of the retinal vasculature
Primary ocular disease
- Birdshot chorioretinopathy
- Sympathetic ophthalmia
Secondary to infection or systemic disease
- Infection: herpetic, CMV, HTLV-1, HIV, toxoplasma, TB, lyme disease, cat-scratch, syphilis, Whipple disease
- Systemic: leukaemia, lymphoma, SLE, Behcet’s, sarcoidosis, GPA, PAN, Churg-Strauss, APS
Clinical features
- Reduced vision
- Floaters
- Positive scotomata
- Asymptomatic (especially if peripheral)
- Perivascular sheathing
- Retinal haemorrhages
- Vitritis
- Disc swelling
- FFA: vessel wall staining, leakages, skip lesions, new vessels, disc leakage, petalloid macular leakage, enlarged foveal avascular zone, vascular occlusion, capillary dropout
- Widefield imaging
- Blood panels
- Targeted at the underlying cause, and otherwise as for intermediate uveitis
Susac’s syndrome
“Small infarctions of cochlear, retinal and encephalic tissue” ie. SICRET syndrome)
Multiple BRAOs
“Boxcar” segmentation of the blood column seen in peripheral vessels on FFA plus non-perfused arterioles with hyperfluorescent walls
- Encephalopathy: MRI indicated
- Hearing loss: audiogram indicated
- Retinal BRAOs
Management: steroids
Whipple disease
Caused by actinomycetes bacterium: Tropheryma whipplei
Constellation of
- Gastrointestinal symptoms
- Migratory polyarthritis
- Panuveitis
- Retinal vasculitis
Duodenal biopsy reveals PAS-positive organism in macrophages