Glaucoma Lasers
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- Confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy: optic nerve head evaluation
- Laser retinal doppler flowmetry
Based on anatomical site
Argon/YAG peripheral iridotomy: for angle closure or occludable angles and for prophylaxis in fellow eye of patient with PACG
Give pre-procedure 2% pilocarpine and 1% apraclonidine
Position PI in upper nasal iris to avoid diplopia and macular burn
Aim for iris crypts if possible
Should see a burst of iris pigment and AC deepening. Check patency with retroillumination +/- gonioscopy to confirm open angles
- Corneal or lens damage
- Iris bleeding/hyphaema
- Iritis
- Raised IOP
- Malignant glaucoma
- Monocular diplopia
- Glare/haloes
Argon iridoplasty: for unresponsive PACG. Round burns are made to compact and contract the iris stroma to stretch the angle and relieve pupil block. Contraindicated in synechial and chronic angle closure
Argon pupilloplasty: same use as iridoplasty
Argon trabeculoplasty: temporising measure or to supplement medical therapy. Best results in PXF and POAG. Effect wears off in PDS. contraindicated in complete angle closure, corneal oedema.
- Aim for pigmented/non-pigmented TM junction
Selective laser trabeculoplasty: YAG laser. Similar efficacy to ALT but easier to perform. Aim for TM
Trabeculocoagulation: for neovascular glaucoma
Ciliary body
- Transcleral cyclophotocoagulation, transpupillary cyclophotocoagulation and endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation: diode laser for refractory glaucoma. Avoid 3 and 9 o’clock to spare ciliary bundles. 20-40 burns over 270 degrees about 1mm posterior to limbus
- Complications: pain, hypotony, phthisis, inflammation/iritis, scleral thinning, hyphaema, sympathetic ophthalmia
- Post op steroids and analgesia and check IOP at 3 weeks
- Transcleral cyclophotocoagulation, transpupillary cyclophotocoagulation and endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation: diode laser for refractory glaucoma. Avoid 3 and 9 o’clock to spare ciliary bundles. 20-40 burns over 270 degrees about 1mm posterior to limbus
- Sclerostomy: for POAG but high incidence of failure
- Laser suture lysis: post-trabeculectomy at 2-4 weeks
- Yag hyaloidotomy: for malignant glaucoma