Microbial Keratitis
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Get accessRisk factors
- Trauma/abrasion
- CL wear especially extended wear and with poor hygiene
- Iatrogenic: suture removal, LASIK, topical therapy especially steroid
- Ocular surface disease/exposure, blepharokeratoconjunctivitis
- Lid disease: entropion/trichiasis
- Nasolacrimal disease: chronic dacryocystitis
- Immunosuppression
- Nutritional: vitamin A deficiency
- Limbal/scleral extension
- Perforation
- Endophthalmitis (eg. gonococcus, fungi or perforation)
See Microbiology section for stains/culture media.
- Admit if necessary
- Identify risk factors (as above)
- Perform corneal scrape
Sterilization phase
Admission and stop CLs
Intensive topical antibiotics: typically combined therapy with cephalosporin (eg. cefuroxime 5%) and fluoroquinolone (eg. moxifloxacin 0.5% which has superior ocular penetration or ofloxacin 0.3%) or gentamicin forte (1.5%). Hourly day and night instillation for 24-48 hours
- Quinolone monotherapy is inadequate against resistant species of Staph and Pseudomonas
- Prolonged use of fortified aminoglycoside is toxic to the epithelium and can lead to necrosis
Consider oral antibiotics (typically ciprofloxacin) if limbal disease, perforation or risk of endophthalmitis or bacterial scleritis
Oral tetracyclines (and vitamin C) can promote healing (inhibit MMPs and inflammatory cytokines)
Cycloplegia and oral analgesia for comfort
Healing phase
- Taper therapy with improvement
- Add lubricant
- Add non-preserved topical steroid to reduce inflammation (typically only after re-epithelisation)
- Steroids are contraindicated in fungal or mycobacterial cases (risk factors include previous refractive surgery and trauma involving vegetation)
- Steroids can retard the eyes response to the microbes and retard epithelisation
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The Steroids for Clinical Ulcer Trial (SCUT): showed no effect on overall visual outcome but no apparent increased risk of perforation or safety issues
- Where there are no positive microbiology results and initial treatment is ineffective, consider with-holding treatment and re-scraping (or corneal biopsy, PCR or confocal microscopy)
- Restart intensive antibiotics
- Consider alternative diagnoses eg sterile ulcer
- Therapeutic penetrating keratoplasty
- Gunderson flap for non-healing ulcers
Sterile ulcers
Post-infective eg. herpetic, fungal
Nearby ocular surface inflammation
- Lids/lashes
- Skin: SJS, OCP, rosacea
- Lacrimal gland: sicca
- Diabetes, herpetic
- Facial palsy
- Lagophthalmos
- Proptosis
Nutritional: vitamin A deficiency
Neoplasia: acute leukaemia
- Connective tissues disease/PUK
- Mooren’s
- Marginal keratitis
- Allergic keratitis
Fungal keratitis
- Filamentous (septate eg. Fusarium and Aspergillus, and non-septate) vs yeasts
- Risk factors
- Trauma with organic matter
- Ocular surface disease
- Systemic/local immunosuppression or steroids
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Always consider fungal keratitis in patients on long-term steroids
- Fluffy/feathery white ulcer
- Satellite lesions
- Ring infiltrate
- Endothelial plaque
- Antifungals interfere with ergosterol metabolism
- Amphoteracin B 0.015% is a polyene (yeasts)
- Natamycin 5% (filamentous)
- Azoles can be used systemically but are toxic
- Topical voriconazole 0.1%
Persistent epithelial defect
- Remember that drug toxicity may cause symptoms even after the infection is eradicated
- Defined as a defect for >2 weeks
- Use non-preserved preparations
- Reduce frequency of therapy
- Add lubricant
- Ocular surface protection: tarsorrhaphy
- Causes
- Diphtheria and gonococcus can cause extremely rapid onset perforation due to their virulence
- Shigella, Listeria, and Haemophilus aegyptus also classical penetrate intact corneal epithelium
Surface related
Autoimmune: eg collagen vascular diseases like RA, SLE, GPA, sarcoid and IBD
Other: Moorens
- Therapeutic contact lenses: if no tissue loss or very small. Use with PF antibiotics
- Corneal glue: if less than 2mm. Used with polythene patches and hydrogel contact lenses to reduce discomfort.
- Amniotic membrane: for larger perforations. Provides biologically active anti-inflammatory and anti-scarring mediators
- Lamellar or full-thickness keratoplasty reconstructions for larger perforations