Medical Retina
Retinitis Pigmentosa
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Get access- Heterogenous group of rod-cone dystrophies
- Commonest inherited retinal disease
- Varying clinical appearances due to varying inheritance patterns
20% autosomal dominant: later onset, less severe
20% autosomal recessive
8-25% X-linked recessive: most severe
20-25% isolated (unidentifiable inheritance pattern)
50% have no family history
Over 150 gene mutations identified
- Classic mutation: Rhodopsin Pro23His mutation
Autosomal dominant RP
Rhodopsin gene on chromosome 3q
Rhodopsin molecule is a seven-loop transmembrane protein in the rod outer segment with the C terminus in the cytoplasm and the N terminus in the intradiscal space
- Mutations can affect the protein in the intradiscal, transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains
- They affect the protein conformation and therefore function
- The most common mutation is P23H in which the protein does not fold properly and accumulates in the rough ER
Peripherin/RDS gene on chromosome 6p
- Great allelic heterogeneity
- A range of dominantly inherited retinal degenerations from ADRP, macular degeneration, mattern macular dystrophy, vitelliform macular dystrophy...
Autosomal recessive RP
Defects in the alpha or beta subunits of rod phosphodiesterase (rod PDE)
- Nonsense mutations
Null mutations of the rod cGMP-gated cation channel
Progressive dysfunction, cell loss and atrophy of retinal tissue
- Photoreceptors initially: rods first
- Subsequent atrophy of other retinal layers
- NFL preserved until late
Highly symmetrical
Clinical features
Classic triad
- Night blindness and dark adaptation difficulty
- Visual field loss from RPE dysfunction: tunnel vision
- ERG abnormalities: severely depressed
Bone spicules: formed by dispersion of pigment in the RPE leading to clumping that looks like bone under the microscope
- May occur without bone spicule formation (RP sine pigmentum)
Other features
- Keratoconus
- Cataract: posterior subcapsular
- Myopia (and myopic degeneration): especially in X-linked
- Attenuated arterioles: early feature
- Open angle glaucoma
- Waxy pallor of the optic nerve
- Disc drusen
- Macular oedema
- Coat’s-like vasculopathy
Sectoral RP: features limited to one or two quadrants. Usually AD
Leber’s congenital amaurosis: an age-related variant of RP
- AR
- Nystagmus
- Oculodigital syndrome: may lead to enophthalmos
- Poor pupillary light reflex
- ‘Normal’-looking fundus
- Extinguished ERG
- ERG: reduced scotopic rod responses early on, extinguished response later
- EOG: subnormal with absent light rise
- Colour vision: normal
- Visual fields: ring scotoma
- OCT: CMO, ERM, loss of external limiting membrane and IS/OS junction
- Genetics: especially for RPE65 gene
Syndromes (<25% of RP)
Usher: deafness, ataxia
- Most common form of syndromic RP
Laurence-Moon-Biedl (aka Bardet-Biedl): polydactyly, adiposogenital syndrome, deafness
- Second most common syndromic form of RP
- AR
Kearns-Sayre: ophthalmoplegic retinal degeneration syndrome
- Mitochondrial DNA deletion
- Atypical retinitis pigmentosa
- Ptosis, deafness, CPEO
- Ataxia, cardiac conduction defects
- Proximal muscle weakness
Refsum: autosomal recessive, polyneuropathy, cerebellar ataxia, deafness, anosmia, cardiomyopathy, ichthyosis.
- AR
- Treatable with dietary restriction of phytanic acid (resolves ichthyosis, neuropathy and ataxia, and may improve retina)
Cockayne: dwarfism, retinal atrophy, deafness
Hallgren: deafness, ataxia
Friedreich ataxia: spinocerebellar ataxia, dysarthria, deafness, diabetes
Bassen-Kornzweig: ptosis, PEO, spinocerebellar ataxia, acanthocytosis
- Supportive, visual support, blind registration etc
- Refraction
- Cataract extraction
- CMO: topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
- Voretigene neparvovec (a virus-vector gene therapy): NICE approved for RPE65 cases
Treatable forms of RP
Hot Topic
- Refsums: dietary restriction of phytanic acid
- Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome: fat-soluble vitamin supplementation (ADEK)
- Friedreich-like ataxia: vitamin E supplementation in some cases
RP masqueraders
- Rubella retinopathy (‘salt and pepper’)
- Syphilitic retinopathy
- CMV retinopathy
- Toxoplasmosis
- Cancer-associated retinopathy
- Toxicity: chlorpromazine, thioridazine, chloroquine
- Traumatic retinopathy