Fungal uveitis
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Get accessCandidiasis
- Candida albicans: yeast-like (reproduces by budding)
- Commensal of skin, mouth
Risk factors
- IVDU (always consider fungal in uveitis in a IV drug user)
- Indwelling catheters
- Immunosuppression
Clinical features
- Reduced vision
- Floaters
- Ocular pain
- Multifocal retinitis: yellow-white fluffy lesions >1DD
- Vitritis: cotton balls forming string of pearls
- Anterior uveitis
- Retinal necrosis
- Tractional RD
- Vitrectomy for microscopy and culture
- Intravitreal antifungals: amphotericin
- Systemic antifungals: oral fluconazole, IV amphotericin, voriconazole
- Generally affects those with chronic pulmonary disease who are immunocompromised
- More aggressive than candid
- Pain
- Rapid vision loss
- Confluent yellowish infiltrate in the subretinal space progressing to subretinal hypopyon
- Intraretinal haemorrhages
- Vitritis
- AC inflammation with hypopyon
- Often requires IV amphotericin
Histoplasmosis and POHS
- Histoplasma capsulatum: dimorphic fungus
- Yeast at 37 degrees, and mycelium in soil
- Direct infection is rare but associated with Presumed Ocular Histoplasmosis Syndrome
Ocular features
Usually bilateral, sequential disease
Atrophic choroidal scars around posterior pole (‘histo’ spots)
Peripapillary atrophy
Peripheral linear streaks
Choroidal neovascular membrane
- FFA can help identify CNV
Absence of anterior or posterior inflammation
- Antifungals do not help
- Steroids are usually used.