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Obligate intracellular parasite (toxoplasma gondii)
More common in americas, caribbean, tropical africa
Contracted by drinking infected water, eating raw meat, or transplacentally (congenital toxo)
Cats are the definitive host
Oocysts excreted in cat faeces and ingested
These become encysted or proliferate
Toxoplasmosis is the most common cause of posterior uveitis
Clinical features
- 40% develop ocular disease
- Asymptomatic
- Floaters
- Reduced vision
- Vitritis
- Retinitis: active white fluffy areas, progress to circumscribed, pigmented, atrophic scars
- Satellite lesions near old scars
- Retinal vasculitis
- Punctate outer retinitis with quiet vitreous
- Neuroretinitis
Hot Topic
- Anterior uveitis with raised IOP
- Scleritis
- Endophthalmitis-like presentation
- Serous retinal detachments
- Choroidal neovascular membrane
- Congenital toxo: hydrocephalus, cerebral calcification, hepatosplenomegaly, retinochoroiditis
- Diagnosis is mostly clinical
- Interpret serology with caution: many people will be positive for anti-toxoplasma IgG
- IgM antibodies suggest acquired infection
- Negative serology is helpful to exclude the diagnosis
- AC/vitreous tap can identify T. gondii DNA
- VDRL to exclude syphilis, ACE/CXR to exclude sarcoidosis and HIV serology
Indications for treatment
- Lesions involving disc, macula, papillomacular bundle
- Lesions threatening major vessel
- Marked vitritis
- Immunocompromised patient
- In immunocompetent: Cochrane review showed no evidence for routine antibiotic or steroid in acute retinochoroiditis
- Long-term prophylactic treatment may reduce recurrences
- Atovaquone
General treatment plans
Given for at least 4 weeks
Prednisolone (not if immunocompromised)
Co-trimoxazole or clindamycin/sulfadiazine or pyrimethamine/sulfadiazine/folinic acid or atovaquone
Spiramycin for maternal infection in pregnancy to reduce transplacental spread
- 15-60% risk of transplacental transmission if acquired during pregnancy
Intravitreal clindamycin and dexamethasone can also be tried
- Co-trimoxazole: 960mg twice daily
- Clindamycin: 300mg four times daily
- Pyrimethamine (a folic acid antagonist): 100mg loading dose for one day then 25-50mg per day
- Sulfadiazine: 2-4grams daily for 2 days, then 500mg-1gram four times daily
- Folinic acid: 5-25mg daily alongside pyrimethamine
- Prednisolone 40-60mg daily
- Self-limiting in immunocompetent patients
- Recurrence is common
Advice in pregnancy
- Wash all fruit/vegetables
- Avoid unpasteurised goat’s milk
- Cook meat thoroughly
- Avoid cat litter