Ocular Hypertension
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Get accessIOP >21 in the presence of healthy optic disc and normal VF
Risk of conversion to POAG (based on Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study)
- 9.5% conversion over 5 years (untreated) reduced to 4.4% if treated
- Risk factors for conversion
- Older age
- Higher IOP
- Larger C:D ratio
- Greater PSD
- Thinner CCT
- <555 microns associated with 3-fold risk of conversion compared to >588
Consider treatment if the patient is at risk of visual impairment within their lifetime
- IOP >24
- IOP >21 and thin cornea
- OHT in only eye
- OHT and CRVO/AION in either eye
- OHT and positive family history of (especially severe) glaucoma
- OHT and optic disc drusen
The latest NICE guidelines advise a risk assessment for each patient based on:
- Age
- Family history