Wound Healing
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Get accessFull thickness skin laceration healing
- Initial inflammatory response
- Epidermis epithelialisation:
- Cell migration stimulated by fibronectin
- Cell proliferation (inhibited by chalones)
- Cell differentiation
- Vascularisation
- Intact capillaries at wound edges send out buds of endothelial cells
- New vessels appear within first week
- Wound closure
- Macrophages and fibroblasts migrate into wound
- Macrophages: clot removal
- Fibroblasts: collagen and GAG production
- Myofibroblasts can cause wound contraction
- Scarring may affect function of the structure
- Matrix metalloproteinases produce collagen degradation
Full thickness corneal laceration
- Immediate phase:
Descemet’s membrane and stromal collagen retract causing anterior and posterior gaping
- Fibrin plug forms from aqueous fibrinogen
- Stromal oedema
- Leukocytic phase (within 30 minutes):
- PMLs invade wound from conjunctival vessels and aqueous
Epithelial phase (1 hour): epithelial ingrowth. Contact inhibition by healthy endothelium prevents full thickness ingrowth
Clinical Correlate
Epithelial downgrowth syndrome can occur after endothelial damage, lens remnants in wound, vitreous in wound
- Fibroblastic phase:
Fibroblasts are derived from invading leukocytes and stromal keratocytes in central wounds
- Produce collagen and mucopolysaccharides into matrix
- As this occurs, the epithelium retreats anteriorly
- Endothelial phase (after 24 hours):
Endothelial sliding and mitotic/amitotic multiplication to cover the posterior aspect of the wound: filling in gaps in DM and endothelium
- Late phase (after 1 week):
- Cellular infiltrate diminishes
- Collagen fibres uniformly arranged
- Stroma and Bowman’s are replaced by scar tissue (cannot regenerate)
Descemet’s membrane cannot regenerate either but during endothelial sliding, cells deposit secondary layers in DM
Fibroblast growth factor (FGF)
- Important role in healing
- Remodels connective tissue
- Collagenisation/wound strength
Monocyte chemotaxis, fibroblast migration and proliferation, angiogenesis, collagenase secretion
Conjunctival healing is similar to corneal healing (with cell sliding and proliferation) however granulation tissue can be formed due to the vasculature and lymphatics
Sclera does not actively heal: wounds are closed by granulation tissue from the episclera and underlying uvea
- Iris can only heal if wound edges are directly apposed
- Hence PIs/iridectomies remain patent
- Ciliary body and choroid heal with granulation tissue and are replaced by scar tissue
- Lens: does not truly heal but responds to trauma with cataract formation
Retinal healing is by gliosis (replacement of nerve cells by glial cells) principally by astrocytes and by Muller cells (fibroblasts are not native to the normal retina)
- RPE undergoes metaplasia and proliferation to form fibrous tissue
- In retinal detachment, extensive gliosis/fibrosis leads to PVR
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Anti-proliferative agents
- 5-FU: converted intracellularly to active form (FdUMP)
Competitively inhibits thymidylate synthetase in S phase cells so impedes DNA synthesis
Metabolites are also incorporated into DNA to render it unstable and interfere with RNA processing
- Adverse effect: corneal epithelial toxicity
Inhibits fibroblast proliferation for 4-6 weeks when given during glaucoma filtration surgery
Mitomycin-C: alkylating agent with antibiotic and antineoplastic properties derived from Streptomyces caespitosus
Antiproliferative on cells at any stage of the cell cycle but maximal in G and S phases
100 times more potent than 5FU on fibroblasts and permanently inhibits their proliferation (but does not inhibit their migration)
- Not usually associated with epithelial toxicity