Posterior segment
Retinal Pigment Epithelium
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Get access- Single layer of cuboidal epithelial cells
- Outermost retinal layer
- Between the choriocapillaris and the photoreceptor outer segments
- 4-6 million RPE cells per eye
- 45:1 photoreceptors:RPE
Embryologically from the same tissue as the neural retina but differentiates into a secretory epithelium
- Cell bases face Bruchs, apices face neurosensory retina
- Long microvillous processes interdigitate with the photoreceptor outer segments
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Tight junctions between cells at the apical side contribute to the blood retinal barrier
- Numerous melanin granules to absorb light
- RPE cells are more flattened in the periphery than in the centre
- RPE contain enzymes for all 3 major energy producing pathways
- Glycolysis
- Kreb’s
- Pentose-phosphate pathway
- 80% water
- The Na/K ATPase is located on the apical surface (unique)
- Maintains the ionic balance in the subretinal space
Clinical Correlate
A transepithelial electrical potential exists across the RPE apical membrane and can be measured using the EOG.
RNA is constantly synthesised for the production of enzymes for metabolism, phagocytosis of shed outer segment discs, maintenance of the retinoid cycle and transport
- Metabolic
- Regeneration of visual pigment
- RPE stores high concentrations of vitamin A
- Recycles vitamin A after rhodopsin bleaching
- Uptake from the circulation
- From phagocytosed discs releasing vitamin A
- Generates 11-cis-retinaldehyde, which forms rhodopsin
Converts retinol (product of the visual cycle) to a retinyl ester and then to 11-cis-retinol and finally back to 11-cis-retinal. This is returned to the photoreceptors by interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein (IRBP)
Disposal/phagocytosis/detoxification of waste products and shed discs from the visual cycle
- Shed discs enter the cell in phagosome and fuse with lysosomes
- Disc components are recycled
- Each RPE disposes of more than 4000 discs per day
- Rod phagocytosis peaks just after light exposure
- Cone phagocytosis is more random and occurs at the onset of darkness
- Transports nutrients to the photoreceptors
- Physical/structural
- Maintenance of adhesion between the retinal layers
- Hydrostatic forces
- Interdigitation of the outer segments by RPE microvilli
- Active transport of subretinal fluid/water via ocular dipole
- Maintenance/synthesis of the IPM
- Maintenance of the blood-retinal barrier
- Embryogenesis of photoreceptors
- Optical
- Absorption of scattered light
- Pigment granules are numerous within the RPE cytoplasm
Triggering of melanogenesis is the key step in the embryological differentiation of the neuroectoderm into RPE
There is age-related fusion of melanin granules with lysosomes so that older RPE is less pigmented
- Derived from tyrosine (itself from phenylalanine)
- Rate determining step is the conversion of tyrosine to dopa by tyrosine hydroxylase
- Dopa is then converted by a non-enzymatic reaction
- Anti-oxidant properties and contains stable free radicals
- Effective free radical scavenger in the RPE which it protects
- Melanin is lost with age: may contribute to ARMD
RPE pathology
- Sorsby fundus dystrophy
- Autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa
- Vitelliform macular degeneration (Best disease)
- Malattia leventinese (dominant drusen)
- Stargardt disease