Ocular Immunology
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Get accessMucosa associated lymphoid tissues (MALT)
- A specific immune system associated with mucosa
Mucosa is more easily breached than skin and so considerable lymphoid tissue is concentrated within the mucosa to deal with new antigens
Found in GI, respiratory, and GU tracts, conjunctiva (conjunctival associated lymphoid tissue) and glands of the ocular adnexa
- Comprises:
- Intraepithelial lymphocytes
- APCs (especially dendritic cells)
- IgA predominates in MALT
- Aggregations of lymphoid tissue (eg. Peyer’s patches in GI tract; and tonsils)
- Antigen exposure stimulates antigen-specific IgA at all mucosal surfaces
Recirculating IgA-producing B cells and T cells express homing receptors for addressins on endothelial cells of vessels supplying mucosal surfaces
- Addressins essentially direct movement of cells to various mucosal sites
- Memory T cells have ‘first call’ on invading pathogens
NB: there is no associated increase in antigen-specific IgG titres in the blood after a mucosal exposure and antigen specific T cells are not found in the spleen etc
Antigen presenting cells in ocular tissues
- Bone-marrow derived dendritic cells expressing MHC Class II
- Tissue macrophages
Note: the central cornea lacks APCs but they are found at the limbus
- Found in ciliary and iris epithelium, ciliary muscle, processes and TM
Dendritic cells are found at the ora serrata in the neural retina and in the connective tissue around the choriocapillaris
- Ocular APCs cannot activate T cells like conventional APCs
- Bacteriostatic properties: inhibits bacteria growth in vitro
- Contains numerous antibacterial proteins:
- Complement
- Immunoglobulin
- Defensins
- Beta-lysin
- Immunosuppressive properties
- Inhibits T cell proliferation (via transforming growth factor beta)
- Inhibits lymphokine production
- Suppresses macrophage and APC activity
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Immune privilege in the AC
- Anterior chamber associated immune deviation (“immune privilege”)
Immunological response to antigen entering the AC: systemic suppression of potentially damaging cell-mediated and humoral responses that might damage ocular tissue.
- Occurs within 1 week of introduction of antigen to the AC
- APCs process antigen
- Suppressor T cells develop which inhibit T-helper cells
- Normal cytotoxic T cell responses to antigen (T cells can still lyse target cells)
- Normal systemic antibody production to the antigen
- Requires an intact spleen
- Mediated by TGF-beta and other cytokines
Ocular immune privilege
- Protects ocular structures from potentially damaging immune-mediated inflammation
- Components
- Blood-ocular barrier
- Lack of lymphatics to the eye
- Soluble immune modulatory mediators in the aqueous (as above)
- Unique tolerance promoting APCs
- Note: a functioning eye-spleen axis is necessary
Non-infectious intraocular inflammation
- Anterior segment: iridocyclitis
- 50% of AAU (non-ranulomatous) associated with HLA-B27
- Posterior uveitis: multifocal choroiditis, retinal vasculitis
- Birdshot retinochoroidopathy (HLA-A29)
- Behcet’s retinal vasculitis (HLA-B51)
- Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease (HLA-DR4)