Free Radicals And Antioxidants
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Get accessReactive oxygen intermediates (ROIs): collective term for free radicals, hydrogen peroxide and singlet oxygen
Free radicals: molecules or atoms that possess an unpaired electron making them highly reactive. Examples
- Superoxide anion
- Hydroxyl radical: extremely reactive
- Lipid peroxyl radicals
- Normal oxygen metabolism via cytochrome oxidase in mitochondria yields water
- Sources of ROIs
A small percentage of oxygen undergoes reduction creating ROIs: superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, water and the hydroxyl radical
- These can leak out and damage other tissue components
- They can be neutralised by detoxifying enzymes
- Enzymatic synthesis of eicosanoids can also produce ROIs
- Ionizing radiation
- Metabolism of certain chemicals and drugs
- Inflammation and infection
- Detoxifying enzymes
Superoxide dismutase: converts superoxide radical (O2-) to hydrogen peroxide and oxygen without oxidizing other molecules
Catalase and peroxidase: reduce hydrogen peroxide to water without forming the toxic hydroxyl radical
- Catalase produces water and oxygen from hydrogen peroxide
- Peroxidases produce water and oxidised substrate
Oxidative damage to the lens
- Lens is vulnerable due to lower levels of oxygen and trace amounts of transition metals
- Metal-catalysed auto-oxidation can lead to damaging oxidants
- Oxidised glutathione
- Dehydroascorbic acid
- Hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals
- UV light can generate ROIs
Repair mechanisms are present in the epithelium but not in the cortex or nucleus so damage there is permanent
- Damage to lens proteins leads to cross-linking and cataract
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Antioxidant systems in young lenses
Glutathione peroxidase (most important)
- Catalase
- Superoxide dismutase
- Scavengers: glutathione, ascorbic acid, vitamin E, carotenoids
Retinal damage by free radicals
- Photoreceptors degenerate when exposed to free radicals such as
- Hyperbaric oxygen
- Iron overload
- Lipid peroxidases within the vitreous
- Vulnerabilities
Rod outer segments have high polyunsaturated fat content which are sensitive to peroxidation
- Rod inner segments are rich in mitochondria which can leak ROIs
- Highly vascularised choroid and retina increase the risk of oxidative damage
- Light exposure triggers photo-oxidation
- RPE is rich in antioxidant enzymes
- Melanin: functions as a light trap
- Sensitive to dietary antioxidant deficiency
- Selenium: an antioxidant, needed for the action of glutathione peroxidase
- Vitamin E: scavenges free radicals and interrupts the auto-oxidation reaction
Carotenoids (xanthophylls) act as a blue light filter, shielding the retina from this radiation
- Beta-carotene: precursor of vitamin A. Free radical trap but not much in eye
- Lutein: dispersed throughout retina
- Zeaxanthin: concentrated at fovea
- NB: carotenoids are not present in the RPE
- Superoxide dismutase
- Catalase
- Ascorbate (vitamin C): synergistic with vitamin E to scavenge free radicals