
Eye Movements

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  • Eye movements are paired even when they move in different directions
  • Levels of neural control
    • Reflex, subcortical level
    • Cortical control:
      • Frontal cortex: voluntary activity (frontal eye field are connected to the extraocular nuclei via the paramedian pontine reticular formation)

      • Occipital cortex and superior colliculus: coordinating centres
    • Interneuronal connections:
      • Paramedian pontine reticular formation
      • Vestibulo-ocular and cervico-ocular reflexes
  • Occur around three axes passing through the centre of rotation at right angles to each other (Fick’s axes)

    • 2 horizontal axes of Fick (X and Y) and a vertical Z axis
    • Secondary gaze positions are achieved by rotation around the X or Z axes
    • Tertiary gaze (ie. oblique) positions are achieved by rotation around both X and Z axes simultaneously

    • Torsional movements occur around the Y axis
  • Centre of rotation is 13.5/14mm behind corneal apex and 1.6mm nasal side to the geometric centre

  • Near-fixation is approximately 0.33m in front of the eyes and requires convergence and accommodation

  • Primary position of gaze: position taken up by both eyes fixating on a distant object directly ahead

  • Secondary positions: any other positions such as near-fixation, cardinal positions, midline vertical positions etc.

Binocular movements

  • Isolated agonist model: primary action of muscles occurs when the muscle contracts in the primary position

  • Versional (conjugate) movements: the eyes move in the same direction and the axes remain parallel. 

    • Controlled by pairs of muscles
    • Main types of conjugate eye movements
      • Saccades (supranuclear control): align the fovea with the target
      • Smooth pursuit (supranuclear control): maintain fixation once the saccadic system has found the target

      • Non-optical reflex movements: maintain eye positions without conscious input as body/head position changes

Clinical Correlate

Disturbance of supranuclear eye movement function leads to gaze palsies (further explored in Part 2 package)

  • Vergence (disjunctive) movements: simultaneous movement in opposite directions (eg. convergence)

    • Slower than versional movements
    • Stimulated by retinal disparity

Clinical Correlate

Transection of the corpus callosum inhibits vergence movements.

  • In the fusion-free position of physiological rest, the eyes are slightly divergent
  • Amplitude of convergence: the difference between the converging power for near and far points of convergence

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Hering’s law. 

  • During voluntary movements of the eye, equal and simultaneous innervation occurs from the CNS to the muscles of both eyes allowing gaze in a particular direction ie. the extent of movement of one eye is equal and symmetrical to the other

  • Applies to all voluntary conjugate movements
  • Sherrington’s law of reciprocal innervation: increased contraction of the prime mover EOM is associated with diminished contractile activity of the antagonist muscle

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Primary, secondary and tertiary actions of the EOMs

MusclePrimarySecondaryTertiaryYoke (contralateral eye) 
Medial rectusAdductionnilnilLateral rectus 
Lateral rectusAbductionnilnilMedial rectus 
Superior rectusElevation(maximal in abduction)Intorsion (maximal in adduction)AdductionInferior obliqueSynergists for medial rectus and antagonists for lateral rectus 
Inferior rectusDepression (maximal in abduction)Extorsion (maximal in adduction)AdductionSuperior oblique
Superior obliqueIntorsionDepression (in adduction)AbductionInferior rectusSynergists for lateral rectus and antagonists for medial rectus
Inferior obliqueExtorsion Elevation (in adduction)AbductionSuperior rectus

Yoked muscles

  • Contract to move both eyes in the same direction
  • Right lateral rectus and left medial rectus both move the eyes to the right
  • Right superior oblique and left inferior rectus both move the eyes down and to the left
  • Right inferior rectus and left superior oblique both move the eyes down and to the right

Smooth pursuit movements

  • Smooth, continuous tracking movements
  • Keep an object on the fovea
    • Stimulated by “retinal slip” ie. the movement of the target across the retina

  • Velocity of 30-50 degrees/second (beyond this it breaks down)
  • Latency of 150ms
  • Complex ipsilateral supranuclear control: PPRF, superior colliculi, cerebellum…

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Note that smooth pursuit supranuclear control is ipsilateral compared to saccadic control which is contralateral

Clinical Correlate

Smooth pursuit movement is lost on the ipsilateral side in occipitoparietal lesions

  • Causes asymmetric optokinetic nystagmus (Cogan’s law)

Saccadic movements

  • Short, sharp movements
  • Place an object in the peripheral field onto the fovea (rapid relocation of fixation)
    • Visual acuity is reduced during saccades
    • Associated with selective suppression of motion detection
    • Increased visual threshold during the saccade
  • Fastest eye movements: velocity of 800-1000 degrees/second
  • Latency of 100ms
  • Controlled by the contralateral frontal cortex (supranuclear): the premotor frontal eye fields (FEF)

    • Impulses for horizontal movement pass to the contralateral paramedian pontine reticular formation (PPRF): horizontal gaze centre

      • Neurones then pass
        • Directly to the ipsilateral sixth nerve nucleus
        • Indirectly via interneurones which cross to the contralateral MLF and to the medial rectus subnucleus of the contralateral third nerve

    • Vertical pathways are less well mapped: bilateral mediation via the midbrain vertical gaze centre (rostral interstitial nucleus of the MLF)

Fixation movements

  • Move the retinal image slightly to prevent image fade due to bleaching of the photoreceptor pigments (Troxler’s phenomenon)

  • Drifts occur monocularly
  • Microsaccades are binocular and occur with sustained foveal fixation
  • Aim for the best perceived image with fresh cones

Visual reflexes

  • Mediated by the vestibular system 
    • Sends efferents to the horizontal gaze centre
  • Fixation reflex
    • Ability to fixate in bright light
    • Developed within a few days of birth
    • Demonstrated by tests for optokinetic nystagmus
  • Oculovestibular reflexes
    • Eye movements responding to head/trunk positional changes 
    • Utricle and saccule detect head tilting/gravitational effects: input to the inferior and medial vestibular nuclei

    • Semicircular canals detect rotatory movements: input to superior and medial vestibular nuclei

    • Floculonodular lobe of the cerebellum controls vestibular inputs to the oculomotor system

    • Require intact brainstem function
    • Rotational movements of the head demonstrate this reflex (doll’s head)

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Caloric testing

  • Stimulation of a semicircular canal leads to nystagmus in the plane of that canal with the slow phase occurring in a direction opposite to that causing the nystagmus (the direction of the nystagmus is described relative to the fast saccadic part)

    • Warm water causes endolymph to rise and stimulates the semicircular canal (caloric testing)

      • Warm water causes saccadic movement to the ipsilateral side 
      • Cold water causes saccadic movement to the contralateral side
      • Mneumonic: cold opposite, warm same (COWS)
    • Bilateral stimulation causes vertical nystagmus
    • The response to caloric testing: 
      • Reduced by: fixation on an object, optokinetic stimulus
      • Increased by: scotopic conditions, high plus lenses
  • Oculocervical reflex
    • Proprioceptors in the neck provide information about neck position
    • Lateral movements of the head about the vertical axis produces this reflex

Optokinetic nystagmus

  • Stationary observer and moving scene or vice versa
  • Elicited by a striped drum revolving at 30-100 degrees/second
  • Slow phase (smooth pursuit component) when eye follows target and fast flick (saccadic movement) when they relocate to new target position

  • Requires intact cortex and patient’s attention
  • Defective response implies cerebral cortex lesion

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A central scotoma increases the frequency of optokinetic nystagmus 

Downbeat nystagmus

  • Usually indicative of cervicomedullary structural disease
  • Causes:
    • Arnold-chiari malformation
    • Stroke
    • MS
    • Platybasia (Paget’s disease and Gorlin Goltz syndrome)

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Condensed Ocular Biochemistry