
Visual Cycle And Phototransuction

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Visual cycle (the conversion of 11-cis-retinal to all-trans-retinal and all-trans-retinol)

  • Light exposure initiates the visual cycle (sensory transduction of the visual system). It acts like a second messenger system in reverse

  • In the resting state (dark): Na channels are held open by cGMP, keeping the photoreceptor outer segment in a state of depolarisation

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The only photoreaction in the visual cycle

  • Photon energy is absorbed by 11-cis-retinal (the ligand of rhodopsin) which converts to the stable all-trans-retinal form

  • All-trans-retinal activates rhodopsin which is converted to bathorhodopsin and then lumirhodopsin

  • The isomerisation of 11-cis-retinal to all-trans-retinal is known as bleaching

    • All-trans-retinal converts to all-trans retinol which does not fit within the rhodopsin transmembrane loops and thus rhodopsin is converted to opsin during bleaching. 

    • All-trans-retinol diffuses away to be absorbed by the RPE
  • Lumirhodopsin becomes metarhodopsin I and then metarhodopsin II
    • The conversion of metarhodopsin I to metarhodopsin II is the only reversible step
  • Metarhodopsin II decays to metarhodopsin III by releasing all-trans-retinal


  • Occurs within photoreceptor outer segments
  • 1 photon is needed to trigger the process
  • Outer segments remain depolarised by open cGMP controlled Na channels
    • Sodium and calcium enter the cell
  • Light stimulation starts the visual cycle producing metarhodopsin (aka enzyme R*)
    • A quantum of light breaks the 11-cis double bond of retinal and opsin undergoes conformational changes

    • The metarhodopsin II molecule is the activated state and begins a cascade that controls cation flow into the outer segment

    • One molecule of metarhodopsin II activates hundreds of molecules of transducin (thus amplifying the reaction)

  • Transducin: a G-protein which dissociates into subunits
    • Alpha subunit activates rod phosphodiesterase (rod PDE)
    • Rod PDE hydrolyses cGMP to 5’-GMP
    • One molecule of PDE can hydrolyse 600 molecules of cGMP (further amplification)
  • The target is the cGMP-gated cationic channel on the outer segment membrane.
    • cGMP is hydrolysed and its concentration decreases 
      • Therefore Na channels close, preventing sodium entry
      • This leads to hyperpolarisation (the cell develops negative charge)
  • Hyperpolarisation leads to closure of voltage-regulated calcium gates and reduced calcium influx

  • Hyperpolarization prevents glutamate release from the synaptic terminal

Inhibition of photocascade

  • Can occur at many stages
    • When the light goes off, the rod returns to its dark state
    • Rhodopsin can be inactivated by phosphorylation or binding to arrestin
    • Activated PDE can recombine with its gamma subunits
    • The transducin alpha subunit is inactivated by hydrolysis and rejoins its beta-gamma complex

    • Reduced calcium influx during phototransduction in light conditions stimulates recoverin activity which activates guanylate cyclase

      • Guanylate cyclase replenishes cGMP to reopen ion channels

Cone phototransduction

  • Cone phototransduction is comparatively insensitive compared to rod, but faster and can adapt to ambient illumination

    • Greater light means faster and more accurate cone response
  • Cones show neurally-mediated negative feedback
    • Horizontal cells synapse antagonistically back to cones
    • They release GABA: an inhibitory neurotransmitter 
    • This protects the cone from being overloaded
    • Hence cones have a greater flicker fusion frequency by turning off rapidly so they can respond to new stimuli faster

Vitamin A/retinol metabolism and recycling

  • After releasing from opsin, all-trans-retinal is recycled differently by rods vs cones
  • Cone chromophores are reisomerised within the retina to regenerate 11-cis-retinal which recombines with bleached rhodopsin

  • Rod pigments are converted to all-trans-retinol within the retina by retinol dehydrogenase

    • All-trans-retinol is then transported by interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein (IRBP) to the RPE

  • IRBP produced y photoreceptors accounts for 70% of soluble protein in the interphotoreceptor matrix (space between outer segments and RPE)

  • In RPE, all-trans-retinol is isomerised (in the dark) to 11-cis-retinol, then bound to CRALBP to become 11-cis-retinal-CRALBP and transferred back to the photoreceptors on IRBP to reattach to rhodopsin

  • IRBP’s main function is the transport of retinoids between photoreceptors and the RPE and protects the plasma membranes from damaging from high retinoid concentrations

    • Note: all-trans-retinol can also enter the RPE from the choriocapillaris
  • Vitamin A:
    • A provitamin in the yellow and red carotenoid pigments in vegetables (eg. carrots), liver, fish oils, dairy

    • Fat-soluble (thereforereduced availability in malabsorption syndromes)
      • Other fat-soluble vitamins are: D, E and K.
    • Stored in the liver as retinyl ester and hydrolyzed to retinol
      • Retinol is combined with serum retinol binding protein to deliver to RPE
    • Essential for corneal and conjunctival health
      • Required for epithelial keratin expression and glycoprotein synthesis
      • Essential for the inhibition of proteolytic enzymes

Clinical Correlate

Vitamin A deficiency leads to poor corneal wound healing, Bitot’s spots and punctate epithelial erosions (even corneal necrosis: keratomalacia), nyctalopia, xerosis

  • Bitot’s spot: corynebacterium xerosis release gas as a byproduct and produce foamy conjunctival lesions

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